After having a good bout with C19 last winter, it was clear to me that it was a bioweapon, many strange symptoms. I have not worried about reinfecting as I have plenty of antibodies and a strong immune system. However, I was infected with the Omnicrom last week, along with my husband. It’s very different from the infection I had prior. I was just saying to my husband that I believe it’s a whole new release. We are under attack from a 2nd gain of function viral bioweapon.

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the only 'attack' you are under is from your hysterical media, driven by money power, and (in the background) Agenda 2030.

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IF Ohmygawd is another bioweapon, why is it so benign?

Unless it was just to test means of delivery?

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Check out Igor Chudov's piece for speculation into that.

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Benign awates time. We don't know what the future holds. GOF can create pathogens not possible in nature.

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to increase jab compliance perhaps?

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Overcoming natural immunity among the pure-blooded gives the authorities the excuse they need to vax everyone…

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The benign nature and delivery efficiency are linked. It is benign because it is more suited to the environment in the nasal passages rather than the lungs. It spreads so well because it is in the nasal passages rather than the lungs.

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because it is the cure. then China tells countries "that was our weakest one. We have one with 30% death rates too. We can kill you and we can cure you. So i think you will be looking the other way as we expand into Taiwan, Hong Kong, Africa, and anywhere else we choose."

And like WWII, we would let them have Poland. This is dangerous stuff.

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We might think making your best customer mad would be bad for business. OTOh, if the US continues down the path of dependency perhaps we are willing to allow China whatever it wants. But the Chinese may be perfecting "never letting a crisis go to waste" and install a more compliant government.

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Don’t forget through the tests they ccp have the dna of millions most Iikely for preparation of a ethnically targeted bio weapons their hold hostage goal. Our government’s globally have dropped the ball and left our children unprotected from the CCP.

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Bingo. I had Covid in Jan 2020, no worries until 1st week of Dec. 2021 when I got Omicron. Much less severe, but there were similarities - low grade fever and for me, both were centered in the nasopharyngeal area.

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What were the symptoms like from Omicron and how long did they last? I'd been assuming I couldn't get infected but Peter McCullough posted a study saying Omicron can evade natural immunity to some extent. I'm not too worried in any event, just curious.

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We have omicron right now and these symptoms are so odd that I have no problem believing this is man made. I avoided the fever, but my husband started with high fever, night sweats, body aches. I started with the body aches, oddly enough most painful in my teeth and toes. Then I felt better for a couple days and now I have a full-blown head cold. My husband has been so fatigued and sleeping most of the day for the past week. The symptoms are mild yes but strange and long-lasting. Kids also have it, my daughter just a cough but my son has the fever and body aches.

I have friends who have omicron now after recovering previously. Unjabbed so had natural immunity and the husband still got this but the wife didn't (plus 3/4 kids). She said she had it worst last time so I thought perhaps her immune response was more robust, leading to better protection from this variant but who knows.

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I will start by saying I began taking HCQ at the end of Day one.

1 pill in the morning & 1 pill in the evening for 5 days. So, I believe this shortened the length & severity of this illness.

~Low grade fever...100 for 2 days

~Icy Chills first day for a few hours

~Extreme SPECIFIC Body aches, (Not whole body), that jumped around...for 2 days. Managed with Motrin & Tylenol alternating.

~Headache for 2 days

~Eyeballs painful and felt swollen + sensitive to light. This was the whole second day.

~Slight Nasal Congestion on day 2 with drainage and slight coughing on day 3

~Mild fatigue throughout.

~Day 4 and on continued improvement.

So, typical FLU with a special name.

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How do you know it was Omicron?

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I'm thinking the same thing. Omicron isn't the dominant strain in the US yet and as far as I know there isn't a way to differentiate in routine testing.

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Just today, the CDC has admitted that the PCR test cannot differentiate between covid and flu. So unless someone with a bio lab sequences it, there is no way to differentiate that I can think of.

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I have been collecting data on the chinese flu. 1500 people who tested pos were asked to donate blood. When their blood was analyzed at UCLA, not ONE of the 1500 could they find with the "virus". Instead they found Flu A and B which is a killer. SO they sent samples to other certified labs and came back with the same results. THEN they asked CDC to send them a sample of the "VIRUS" CDC REPLIED They don't have and never did have a sample of the virus. Because of that, all testing facilities are NOW suing CDC for false data. If you want a copy of what I wrote about ask me at


ALSO I have a method of stopping voter fraud. You may request that too.

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I heard that a pathologist from CA did exactly that, so it may have been the same instance.

Only finding A and B, then asking the CDC who answered that they didn't have a sample.

Mike Adams said the same thing when talking with Drs Andy Kaufman and Thomas Cowan.

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So, let me understand - you're collecting data on something you don't know the correct name for? Very scientific. Do you have a link to your 'news'?

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Are you saying there is no omicron or delta? That everything is influenza?

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I am ONLY relaying which other scientists have stated. Also CDC is now in the process of a law suit.

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David, it's easy to misinterpret the CDC statement, "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS CoV-2 and influenza viruses” to mean the CDC has "admitted that the PCR test cannot differentiate between covid and flu."

But one does not equate the other. You made an assumption that was wrong.

"detection and differentiation of SARS CoV-2 and influenza viruses" simply speaks to the PCR's inability to detect and differentiate influenza and CDC is asking labs to upgrade to tests that can. Ths does not mean that PCRs are MISTAKING INFLUENZA FOR COVID.

The PCR is a molecular test designed to detect ONLY the covid virus. CDC wants tests that can do more.

I do wonder how many false positives there are, and if there have been errors in mis-atrributing viruses and I'd like to see evidence of this. Because I know people who were in the age bracket that should have had severe outcomes from infection, according to all the media reporting. Yet they breeezed through what was no more than a cold. Could this point to false positives? Or just to exagerations of the disease pathology?

Peter McCallough states no one can get covid twice. But we know many have tested positive mulitple times. There could be multiple explanations there, including the role of false positives.

So this topic is very important because public policy was driven by data generated by PCR testing. But using the CDC statement just collapses the valid question before it has feet, because it is in no way proof of a damn thing other than what I had said earlier. It undermines an argument way too important for this kind of sloppiness.

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I don’t really care all that much about what they say, since I trust almost nothing they say without secondary source of evidence. I think regarding flu, the one single most important statistic is reported cases. I have seen different numbers in different places, and the estimated cases as reported by the CDC have changed drastically after the fact. USA Today says the reported cases from 9/27/20 through 4/24/21 were 2038 cases, a ridiculous number, totally ludicrous. The explanation of wearing masks stopped the flu is almost as bad. The year before was between 39 and 56 MILLION. I just don’t think you can trust anything coming from there. The CDC, NIH, WHO, NIAID, are just as corrupted as the FBI, DOJ, CIA.

If there is an issue with undermining anything, it is their problem. They have lied outrightly about HCQ, Ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, and the ludicrous treatment protocols for early treatment, and on the flip side, the lied about efficacy of the vaccines, safety, causation of side effects, the decision to count any adverse reaction or deaths up to 14 days after injection as unvaccinated issues is clearly an effort to hide the danger from potential victims. The HCQ, Ivermectin is targeted BECAUSE they are effective and have better safety profiles than Tylenol and have been used without incident at much higher treatment dosages than are considered necessary to treat covid, and show much better prophylactic effectiveness than the vaxx’s do without damaging other immune responses to other illnesses. To test positive and be sent home, told to take Tylenol and if your symptoms worsen come back to the hospital, and then compel the hospitals to give remdesivir as the only approved treatment whe they know it causes the pulmonary fluid build up due to its plus 30% kidney failure rate and had to remove it from sars testing earlier because it KILLED 54% of the patients treated with it. Denmark and Germany are showing an 87% greater likelihood of catching covid if you have had the shot. And along with there being a greater likelihood of getting it, they are just as likely, if not more likely as the unvaccinated to spread covid. I could keep going, but I think the point is made. But lastly, I’m just a blue collar guy, with no real expertise in any of this. But Fauci is THE highest paid unelected official and he has lied from day one over and over. My money pays them to tell me lies.

As you say there is all kinds of undermining of the message. It should be a clear message but it isn’t. I should have someone I can look to to inform me honestly, but I don’t. My taxes have gone to mall, injure, and kill literally millions of people, and we don’t have so much as an honest record of the genocide that has taken place. That, I charge, is by design, not only not to impugn their shoddy product and even more shoddy testing protocols, but to hide the danger lurking behind their nefarious plot. Their greatest asset is no one believed they would be this evil deliberately. That also helped the Nazis immensely also.

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I think that you made it clear that you 'don’t really care all that much' about the things you write. So why do you post things that you don't even care enough to check out?

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If the original virus was a bioweapon, isn't it reasonable to assume that the variants are too?

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Not necessarily, all viruses mutate, that's what they do. Their plan is to replicate, whatever 'mistakes' made in copying that helps them to spread faster or more 'silently' are likely to evolve naturally. So it's possible Omicron is from a lab, but, given that it's a lot less pathogenic, I don't see why they would do that deliberately? Still, the posted thread is interesting, and debate is exactly what we need!

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I can see your logic and its hard to fault. I have real doubts about what we are seeing. What is the relationship between Beta, Alpha, Delta and Omicron? It does appear that the original virus was a bioweapon (see David Martin's work). All I was suggesting is that Omicron may have flowed from that. How mad is it that a bloke like Fauci, the chief medical officer in the USA, can be funding gain of function research eg making a virus more dangerous. Be told to stop. Shift and fund that research in China and now act like it's all a mystery. Go and get your experimental gene therapy. How bad does the corruption need to become before there is any sort of correction or recognition of a problem. As you say, Michael, debate is what is missing and our appalling media is central to burying it. I have been watching the process very closely in Australia (see https://www.wheredoesmoneycomefrom.com.au/covid-19/how-can-we-ever-trust-them-again/).

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Only thing is that this isn’t a variant. It has no common genetic heritage with the other variants, but is more similar to the original virus, which suggests a totally different pathway to its emergence. It is hard to know where it came from. It could be China, but if so, it is working against its original purpose of weakening the west. It could be that it helps them to mitigate the damage they’ve done. Or it is possible that having managed to steal the 2020 election through mail in ballots, the hysteria necessary to accomplish that is no longer needed. Since they are guilty, the attention and scrutiny that the virus directs toward them may no longer be wanted. Another possibility is that it was modified by western powers to provide a rapid herd immunity to thwart big pharma’s get rich quick plan, and vaccine mandates.

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I think that you forgot the word 'known', as in 'it has no common genetic heritage with the other KNOWN variants'. See the difference? Always a problem when we overestimate our knowledge...

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Great questioning--specifically about how those diplomats were there for only a few days, yet managed to be patients zero, one, two, and three.

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Yes, very intriguing

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And what of the positive messaging from Geert Vanden Bosschee?


Are they spreading a way to recovery ?

Has their economy suffered our loss ?

Or is this bio-weapon a scare to further coerce injections for the final blow?

I'm thinking their rollout has failed them... they will chalk this up to a 'trial run,' get in better positioning for the next hit... say 2030, as originally planned ?

Whatever this is... due diligence in taking them out. We must defeat this diabolical plan to take control over humanity.


Godspeed All

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This was covered by eugyppius on the 20th.

Omicron is Not Normal

Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research.

No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020. The orthodox explanation for this awkward fact, is that it has spent the last 18 months lurking “in a geography with poor genomic surveillance … or … in a chronically infected individual.” The simpler explanation is that it leaked from a laboratory.


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Yep, read that and Igor Chudov covered it even earlier. The bombshell was the foreign diplomat aspect which I had not seen anywhere! (Despite the press release dating to Nov 26).

Randomly found it in the comment section of Igor's Stack

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Thanks for the Chudov reference. Excellent stuff. I had missed this person up til now.

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Very interesting. "Omicron appears selected to replicate primarily in the bronchial tract". Would I be wrong to suggest that this observation makes the case for early treatments even more critical. Still, recognising it is less dangerous mutation.

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Who is to say the Wuhan lab isn't releasing variant after variant in order to perpetuate the chaos we've seen over the last two years? The lab needs to be closed immediately!

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There should be NO bioweapon labs anywhere in the world. They don’t help the world; they only hurt it. Don’t forget they are responsible for every C19 illness, death, shutdowns, masks, lost small businesses, lost jobs, on and on. We must always remember the root cause of all this evilness and put a stop to it. There are plenty of other worthwhile things for scientists to research. We sure as hell don’t need them creating monstrous diseases in their stupid gain of function laboratories. I think they want us to forget the source. I won’t.

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That is exactly what they are doing. CCP/Fauci-19 is solving a lot of problems for them.

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Lord Jesus, help us all!! For there is no way in our human capacity for us to protect ourselves!!! What is coming is transhuman... Us mere humans do not stand a chance!!! We need you O' Lord... We have not the power, not as one not many!!!

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I'm partial to the theory that Merck accidentally made Omicron while testing their mutation-causing drug (Molnupiravir) in South Africa (I doubt there is really any way to prove that the guys in Botswana were really the first to have the virus). https://twitter.com/ydeigin/status/1474116195444006922

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Fascinating... I'll look into this. Still suspicious that Botswana is withholding the home nation of the first patients though.

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It can't have that many sense mutations from random/natural mutation https://twitter.com/JikkyKjj/status/1473908186256011267?s=20

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Good to see a friend from Twitter. I am banned

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Not surprised about any of this, but always look at who benefits from a continued pandemic. Who benefits most from lockdowns, vaccines and distortions released from major medical bodies worldwide. The WHO. CDC, FDA AND ILH. The daily spread of misinformation, changes in protocol and constantly revising what was said the week before? Where still unable to distinguish between a seasonal flu or common cold. Now we have 2nd go rounds of reinfections amongst the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Rethinking masks because those who are vaccinated will have a bigger load in their sinus cavity. I think it's also true that vaccines aren't introduced to the public in the middle of a pandemic. They are made available after it has run its course.

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Those groups are communally known as globalists and stateists. Add a new word to the vocabulary of the world, vaxists. Somewhere, hopefully in hell, Stalin and Mao are smiling.

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In an appearance Sunday Anthony **********Fauci admitted that vaccine mandates are merely a “mechanism” to coerce more Americans to take shots. Appearing on ABC Sunday, Fauci noted “A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated.” Far from following any ‘science’, Fauci admitted that “anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome.” People who trusted the safety of these experimental vaccines would not have to be "spurred." Those who got seriously ill from it, or knew people who died from it, no longer trust it. And those who refuse to take it just won't and this is why: ENTER - THE OMICRON VARIANT - a less serious than seasonal flu, is a fear-mongering tactic to scare people into taking the vaccine, which Fauci calls "spurring." And the timing of this lab-created variant is, guess what", just in time for flu season! Further, all variants interfere with the "effectiveness" of the vaccines, which is why Fauci is also pushing his multiple boosters and admitting "people will need a series of many vaccines" including children who don't need them at all. After all, vaccines are making its creators and pushers rich, and depopulating the planet at the same time.

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I am not qualified to make scientific guesses on the origins of this Omicron variant, but have a few points I hope others can comment on. One is, how did Botswana "test" to discover this new variant? Were they looking to find/reveal it? They do genomic tests on all their passengers? And second is, knowing that the plandemic is mainly driven by the push to corral the world population onto the global digital ID system of 24/7 control, how does this new variant help further this effort? Because, even if you or I can't see it yet, they certainly have a role for this. China, US, the whole lot of them, aren't any angels trying to give herd immunity to the world. Only to get to the end point by whatever means, JMO.

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These are great questions. Your first one about why they did a thorough genetic test I've wondered myself. I imagine its more common at high level government facilities (and even more so with foreign travellers), so maybe it's standard practice...

If anyone knows I am also curious.

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Dear Space Worm - thanks for your interesting post. There is new data out of Germany today, showing that omicron seems to be reaching the double-vaccinated (at least) harder compared to unvaccinated.

"Robert Koch Institute report released today states that 95.58% of the omicron cases in Germany are fully vaccinated (28% of those had a "booster"), 4.42% are unvaccinated. 71.1% of the total population is fully vaccinated in Germany."

(news broken by Disclose Twitter: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1476583826344267777 )

The source of the claim is page 14 in this PDF: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/Wochenbericht/Wochenbericht_2021-12-30.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

That file is "Wochenbericht des Robert Koch-Instituts vom 30.12.2021 zu COVID-19". In English that is "Weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute from December 30th, 2021 on COVID-19."

Here is an English translation of page 14 from the weekly report using Google Translate:

"Additional information is partly known about the omicron cases in the reporting system [...] 186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated, of which 1,137 were given a booster vaccination."

Here is the German original text:

"Zu den im Meldesystem vorliegenden Omikronfällen sind zum Teil Zusatzinformationen bekannt [...] 186 Patientinnen und Patienten waren ungeimpft, 4.020 waren vollständig geimpft, von diesen wurde für 1.137 eine Auffrischimpfung angegeben."

This is another sign confirming the findings from the recent study out of Denmark by Hanson, Schelde, et al.

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It would be useful if a link to Igor’s article was to the article rather than his newsletter.

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This was an unintentional mistake on my end. I fixed it.

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That’s what I thought. 👍

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Evidence is suggesting Omicron is actually quite beneficial. It offers better immunity than the vaccine with significantly less risk. If it was a bioweapon spread as this article speculates then one would expect they are trying a shotgun approach and seeding different variants in different locations. Some spread well, others don't, some are more lethal, others less.

Alternately, it is so beneficial one might speculate the same origin but a different motive, it is the benevolent distribution of a vaccine much better than the one people are being coerced to take.

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"Shotgun Approach" is an interesting point.

Highly recommend Igor's piece which I link at the end. You are walking through a similar thought process as him.

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One thought sprang from that comment Handyman.

If Omicron was an intentional release of a "variant" that could prove beneficial, who is to say it was released by the same agents behind the original virus?

Maybe even the Chinese are sick to death of Herr Mengelfauci.

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If this variant is different and doesn’t show the progression from the original virus, then that means that it had to evolve from a totally different source. If the Chinese released it as a fairly benign antidote to the original, it may be that they’re feeling too much heat from the circumstances that the original release generated. If they have an antidote version of the original virus that hasn’t been in circulation, then it is possible that this one was released to counteract the effects of the original and maybe lessen the blowback toward China. There is no good scenario for them, and this may be the lesser of many evils. Their domestic economic circumstances do not leave them in a very secure position. It may be that they will need western help to allow them to even survive. This possibly could be an effort to get past this crisis so that they can focus on how to secure their economy. Dong Jeng Wei, who defected to the US in March, brought all the evidence of Wuhan here with him, along with records of who is covertly supplying information to China and records of everyone being paid by China to spy. This man was head of counterintelligence for the PLA and the CCP, the highest level defector in history. We have yet to see any outward evidence of his information, and may never. This can’t be a very good circumstance to be in for China, because regardless of what happens there will be huge repercussions toward the Chinese government. Just a thought.

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