That the President's son was on the take in Ukraine is rarely mentioned as well.

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Likely the president himself too. I often wonder how much this plays a role. If they have something on Biden.

Would love to know - hopefully someone leaks

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There won't be an all-out nuclear war. But there will very likely be a nuclear "event".

We are post-nukes now, and into the age of CRISPR bioweapons.

TPTB don't want to be hiding in a nuclear bunker for five years, not sure if they will be murdered as soon as they exit it. They want to drink their Chablis in Saint Tropez in Summer and their Eiswein in their Swiss chalet in the Winter.

This is all theatre of the mind. When Trump was President and I used to support him, when he moved the needle on nuclear war I was genuinely worried. Not anymore.

TPTB want to crash the system, because they know it's fucked because they broke it and stole probably quadrillions in the process. They are criminals. The WEF, UN, WHO - nothing but one giant globalist Mafia cartel. Running purely on racketeering and extortion. This is just the "cleanup" phase before they ove to their new scam - CBDCs (and social credit system, natch).

You think the local Don in Sicily wants to go down in a gun fight like the Sundance Kid? Or does he want to sit on the beach drinking limoncello playing with his grand-kids?

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I hope you’re right - and I agree with your logic that the elite don’t want that. I worry we’ll push Putin to nuke Ukraine, however, and the consequences from that point on are scary too.

Will the West sit back and do nothing? Or will they send troops?

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As I noted to baboon below, (though I didn't put it much this way) the best we can do is remain calm and try and do what we can to convince our politicians to likewise remain calm and DO NOT be provocative. But, delicately and with SUPER good genuine intelligence (and here I do not mean spying, but smarts), act to also support Ukraine. ... NOT supporting Ukraine, no matter how flawed they are, only encourages Putin to continue to take territory. He needs to be stopped, just as Hitler did, he's just armed quite differently and the same strategies just can't work at all.

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Thanks for the article and your reply, I appreciate it. :)

All the talk in the media and alt media at the moment is that Russia will use nukes. We already had the "foreshadowing" of Chernobyl (not using the new GloboHomo spelling for any of these places in Ukraine, I like my Chicken Kiev the way it is thank you very much).

They followed that up by the shelling of the nuclear plant. American states are putting out nuclear PSAs. It's pretty clear that they are telegraphing their next move. Foreshadowing or imprinting, or whatever the correct psychological warfare operation term is is imperative.

I'm afraid that Ukraine isn't going to get nuked - my money is on the UK, specifically London. The City of London is the world's biggest financial centre - it's also where the vast majority of the fraud has occurred. A single nuke from Kaliningrad on London - with the nuclear ransom that every European country can be nuked in literally two minutes - will shock the world. People will be so terrified, and their way of life is already gone forever - they will accept whatever the UN, most likely, suggests as the "solution".

"Will the West sit back and do nothing? Or will they send troops?"

I don't believe that nation states exist any more. Russia is implementing the Great Reset, as is their "mortal enemy" Ukraine. I used to be of the opinion that Putin was a good for the world and that the West was evil. Now I realize they are all complicit (Klaus handily told us so in 2017). UN Agendas 2021 and 2030 WILL be implemented, the WEF is just a Bond villain front, of course, and something for us to focus our hate on. At the end of the day, the Rockefeller created UN, like the Rockefeller backed CCP, will win out, because that is the plan.

The aim is to collapse the financial system in a way that gives plausible deniability for every country. The Fifth Columnists in the West will make "cock up" after "cock up" (see the current UK government shiteshow for more details) until everyone is destitute, starving, freezing (good for the democide numbers) and the people beg for the solution to end it. Which will be CBDCs, a social credit system (see vaxx passports, the current PayPal fiasco). No more travel because "no fuel". This is all in their program if you read enough. Eat the bugs because "no meat" (whoops we had a fake chicken pandemic and blew up a load of food processing centres - yes, industrial sabotage doesn't just involve Nord Stream and has been intensifying for a year and a half).

The slow kill vaxx bioweapon will continue to slow kill. We are at rookie numbers right now. My hypothesis is that the Cabal-controlled CCP and PLA will take America in the not too distant future (that is, after all, the stated goal of general after general in PLA speeches, they believe the USA is their rightful clay). The Fifth Columnists in the US, now their military has been depleted and demoralized (and vaxxed to oblivion) won't put up much of a fight.

At that point, we will probably see the fruits of the labour of the missing $30+trillion in the "black budget". People thought these people were living in another solar system. Nah, that's probably when they release the killer robot dinosaurs. Given the previous "shock and awe" the Pentagon likes to engage in, if they actually had advanced tech, there is no doubt they would have used it by now. They have nothing in the military sphere in my view, it's all for use on us civilian humans on Earth. Throw Terminator into the sci-fi dystopian hellscape futures these people are creating.

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I struggle to see that it’s all this well-coordinated.

However, If everyone is working together as you say, at least the real threat will be authoritarianism and not total nuclear war.

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Said authoritarianism is creeping in even in the west and the most enabling thing is all the data that only a few eyes can view.

Imagine the power that the NSA has - the risks and threats of individual spying is largly a thing of the past, as is the risk of assassination; while a human is truly necessary to do real evaluations, nobody needs to be watching all everyone does 24 X 7, merely that when anyone is thought a possible threat to the established power, THEN they are analyzed. And killings will be very rare because it's not necessary - when you have all this information about people, as has been collected already for more than a decade, all that need be done is trip someone's life up, and there are as many ways to do that as there are people. ... Perhaps just send a person's spouse the images they thought they were sending to their lover, or ensure a bank doesn't give them that loan they need - what ever it is to trip them up and distract them and perhaps drive them into poverty or legal jeopardy "of their own accord."

More people should realize this - and it's no longer hypothetical!

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I think you are responding in terror and fear just the way that Putin wants.

The prevailing winds blow toward Russia. Nuking ANY place west of them in Europe isn't going to go well for them, and they surely know it, though PUTIN, himself, MAY be of the uninformed opinion that a so-called "battlefield nuke" can be used. If he tries that, it likely won't go well for the whole current biosphere and THAT is a serious risk.

It's reasonable to believe that every informed person in Russia knows that there is NO use of a nuclear explosive that turns out well for Russia. But, Putin is known to not keep around him people who he disagrees with - as a great many so-called leaders do.

Ultimately, this is about HIS paranoia vs his megalomania, and not much else.

The whole current biosphere needs him to either listen to the sane brains or be deposed himself, from within Russia. Or, if we get super lucky, he just has a heart attack or something BEFORE this all gets out of hand.

But ultimately we have to control what "we" can control, and the "we" here is our governmental response. We need another JFK on our side AND another of whatever that submarine commander's name was who refused to fire his missiles, and it's justified to believe that we will be lucky to have them both.

YOU, and the rest of us, should remain concerned but not panicked. We can't really do much about this anyway - not in time to do any good anyway.

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We instigated this whole enchilada, the Ukr. Parliament illegally impeaching Yanukovych ( elected legally btw) because he didn't support joining the EU.

Kosovo carved from Serbia is any different for what Putin is trying to do re; the Donbas?

Serbia is in our 'sphere influence? But Ukraine isnt in Russia's?

Just wait another 45 days or so......Germany is already ahead by 14.8% in its heating usage averaged against the last 4 years.. In the immortal words of Victoria Nuland, "*uck the EU"...and they surely are.

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No disagreement here.

I have also been thinking Europe’s winter may force a negotiation that ends this war. I hope so and hope deaths are minimal until then.

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Trouble in the Donbas has a very long history that has no easy answer - see the Holodormor experience and aftermath. It is clear that Russia meddling in the area created a conflict that need not have happened. The agreement in 1991 set the stage for Ukraine's divorce with security assured by the US, GB, Russia. As in the US, a succession requires agreement among affected parties - we fought a very bloody war to say no.

Crimea likely doesn't want war but does want to keep that huge Russian base along with wealthy Russian tourists among many tourists. Russia has a near forever lease for it's base, not sure why Putin wanted the entire place with it's complex ethnic mix. Shopkeepers there obviously enjoy the Russian business.

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Totally agree that it’s messy. I believe messiness is all the more reason we shouldn’t be taking a side.

If anything, our involvement should be to try to broker a peace deal with as few casualties as possible.

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Most of the world took a side.

Negotiation might have worked after Kiev debacle. But both sides are entrenched with Russia now certain to lose but only after considerable damage. Putin seems all in and his life is now on the line. At some point he will be beaten, the logistics force that. What happens afterwards is up in the air.

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"...there is no question that Russian elections are less-than-legitimate...." What was that about people who live in glass houses? US elections have been suspect continuously since the times of Boss Tweed, and within our parents' lifetimes, Big Bill Thompson was advocating, "Vote early and vote often." Anybody remember how the 1960 Presidential election was delivered to JFK by Richard Daley and how the CIA corrected the "mistake" in 1963? Remember hanging chads in 2000 and the theft of Ohio's electoral votes in 2004? This is not a partisan issue and undermines the public's faith in the republic.

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LBJ was also fraudulently elected to the senate:


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“ despite the Obama Administration’s successful interventions to shape their election outcomes in 2014.” … you mean running a coup to overturn a democratically elected government and install a series of puppet regimes that will engage in a proxy war against their ethnic brothers??

You mean THOSE “successful interventions”??

FFS. Have the courage to name the evil actions of the US.

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I call it a coup in my article about it, which is linked in that sentence:


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The Ukraine election was already at issue in 2010. Whether the Maidan revolution was helped by the US is of question but Ukrainians did revolt. Since then subsequent elections have been cleaner with them electing Zelensky in 2019 with a 73% margin. Further getting people into war with near universal agreement among citizens affirms their consent to fight for their nation.

We are subjected to much propaganda from many sides. But few assert the 2019 election was rigged.

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The 7.3 million who’ve fled may have a different opinion on their willingness to fight for the Donbas.

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There is no question, come on now......

The impeachment of Yanukovych was illegal.

So, lets be clear, we (you) are on the side of any 'people' who revolt? You really want to put that to the test?

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As Jefferson noted the tree of liberty might need refreshing. Was the election of Yanukovych legal itself? He fled saving himself and left a trail of evidence of corruption. Not that that is anything new to Ukraine or anywhere else. I wasn't there nor were you, I suspect. We only know what we are told with our biases interpreting. Those now in charge (the "winners") tell the story.

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I’m sure Yanukovych was corrupt, but Trajan is right that the impeach vote was technically illegal according to their parliamentary rules.

And the leaked call verifies that Obama Admin was colluding with the UN to sanction the illegal vote (all in my other article)

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Quite understand. A dirty process that I think the US tried to leverage. Might even be connected to the Hunter corruption. At the time all the thugs connected to about all the important people were jockeying for positions in the pecking order. Zelensky's backers among them. Ukraine was their playground as Putin had become the master criminal in Russia. Hard to know if Zelensky is strong enough now to really make Ukraine prosper, post war.

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If I recall the EU and the so-called NGO monitors Didn’t have much of a problem with it, Russia is 129, And Ukraine is 119 on the United Nations List they use for corrupt nations ranking, the higher the number the more corrupt, that’s out of 179 nations so the difference to be kind, is minimal…. at the end of the day he did not favor Eu membership and our state department did it’s thing.

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OF COURSE, no sane person is for nuclear war and I've been alarmed with the idiocy of media trying to CONDEMN the very concept of being worried about it in this Russian attack on Ukraine and having Ukraine actually fighting off the Russians fairly successfully even BEFORE the rest of Europe got engaged. ...If Russia had just rolled over the country like Hitler did to a few countries early in WWII, we wouldn't be talking about this. But BECAUSE they stood up, it's MY view that war includes "all the other violent crimes" and that this act of war is itself a war crime, and that I support Ukraine holding its territory.

This is FAR from saying I support all Ukraine is or does. But what Ukraine is or does is NOT the issue, really; the question is what the US and other powers are doing to stoke the risk of nuclear war - isn't it?

Can't we say that Ukraine has its faults yet the REAL issue here is that while we can support Ukraine's defense, we MUST NOT do so in a way that encourages the risk of nuclear war?

But when it comes to evaluating Ukraine and trying to claim it isn't worthy of support, frankly, that's just silly. You either support the territorial integrity of established countries or you don't. And you either

support that aggressors should be permitted to win just because they threaten wider war, or you don't.

And THE REAL QUESTION is how do we support Ukraine WITHOUT actually pushing the risk of thermonuclear war? ...A comparison of virtuosity is just invalid, and below I make that point.

As I was reading, I just had to ask myself that of the list given of transgressions listed in the 2021 report just issued, how many of those are equally true of the U.S. federal government (USG)?

Here's that list, with commentary added:

1) unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings by the government or its agents

YEP! The USG does that - has done that many times. The Bush Jr admin did this more times than one can count but even the Obama admin notably did it to two U.S. citizens via drone. -ugh!- ...Is there any administration since at least JFK that hasn't? (MAYBE Carter's?) The rest can't really credibly claim they're clean, though the public soon forgets.

2) torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees by law enforcement personnel

YEP! Once again, the USG is guilty, too. But if we look at the individual states? ... Wow! No room to document all that here! However, if one wants a quick pointer to copious information confirming this, all one has to do is look to the arguments of the defense of Julian Assange, pointing out that that's exactly what he'd be headed for if the extradition is successful. ... No matter what you think of Assange, this matters.

3) harsh and life-threatening prison conditions

YEP! See the comments under 2 above.

4) arbitrary arrest or detention

YEP! Again, see the comments under 2 above.

5) serious problems with the independence of the judiciary

YEP! That too! That one we can't (likely "yet") also point at #2 above, is still all too common in the USA, at ever level, especially with the modern Supreme Court which very close to always supports the fascistic state - that is, big business. And even if you disagree with that, there are lots of other examples not too difficult to find.

6) serious restrictions on free expression and media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, and censorship

YEP! It'd be VERY hard to argue against this one! Again, Assange, but MANY more!

7) serious restrictions on internet freedom

Here, there aren't so much restrictions as the green-lighting of - and the pretention that it's OK - theft of personal data under the specious claim "you agreed to it" when NOBODY can actually do much in this society without "agreeing" to forced agreements that you hand over all your personal data.

However, it IS a difference.

8) refoulement of refugees to a country where they would face a threat to their life or freedom

YEP! -ahem- See Trump AND Biden, unhappily.

9) serious acts of government corruption

That all depends on the definition of "serious." I'd say yes, but it's done differently here; OUR version of the merger of state and business power - fascism at its core - is done less obviously.

10) lack of investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence

In the USA this is a state matter. But maybe we can point to Jeff Epstein, as that was primarily female (youth) exploitation and by (at least my definition) violence, which was overlooked ("lack of investigation") for decades, even though it was well known by the very top of the USG.

11) crimes, violence, or threats of violence motivated by anti-Semitism

This depends on the definition of anti-Semitism. The USG's definition has always been flawed, but MAYBE in the case of Ukraine, they have a point. ... In the US, the USG apparently thinks that objection to the Israeli GOVERNMENT is equivalent to anti-Semitism, despite the fact that the Palistinians who are the people said claims are trying to defend are ALSO SEMITES! Talk about brain-dead! FURTHER, being against a government's policy is NOT THE SAME THING as being against the country OR the people! Let's not fall into pure stupidity here!

12) crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities, members of ethnic minority groups, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons

Well, at least the USG has stopped this, but has been guilty in the past!

13) the existence of the worst forms of child labor.

OK, we also got rid of that quite some time ago, at least officially. However, the Epstein thing all involves child labor in the form of SEX, and isn't that the "worst form?"

Again, I an NOT AT ALL for risking nuclear war... See my notes at top.

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We don’t support the territorial integrity of established countries. Look at the Yemen example I gave.

Nor do I think we should be the “territorial integrity” police of the world.

Also, I’d suggest the article pinned to the top of my substack to see how we provoked this war.

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By the way, I know where you write and am becoming a fan.

SOME of my writings are here, if you care to look: http://thetroypress.com/articles/art/art.html

Oh, I forgot to note that as the main "landing page" states, "We right now have a backlog of new articles, mostly by Art and Dada. The backlog was created by a server update that went wrong ..."

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Agreed on the first two and on the third; I already know!

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