Thank you for this well written article. I also noticed the 'fact checkers' have (wisely) largely avoided trying to discredit this family with respect to questioning their veracity.

I watched a long interview with Stephanie and assessed her as direct and truthful. She publicly stated there was blood in the urine and Maddie's fingers were white and cold to the touch; these are objective symptoms that surely would have been recorded during Maddie's hospitalisations.

The white fingertips speak to endothelial dysfunction, the root cause of autoimmune conditions (which usually start in the gut due to barrier disruption) and I recall reading an article in the Lancet which was critical of Pfizer for not considering their drug could cause autoimmune conditions.

The tactic I believe the "fact checkers" are using is deflecting the blame onto the family for enrolling Maddie in a clinical trial. This makes me wonder if there were other children who experienced severe adverse effects that have been censored whose parents are keeping quiet because they can see the vilification of the de Garay family?

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In a Rumble interview with Stephanie which I can no longer find, she said many parents withdrew their children from the trial after the first dose due to "issues" (not sure how severe). She seemed to believe these withdrawals were not captured in the reports.

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That fits with what a doctor said at the public FDA session (I've lost the link to the short clip that was on Twitter) who said his wife had a severe adverse reaction after the first dose of pfizer and her case was censored from the trial.

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Just watched more of the session and it was AZ's trial, not pifzer, but Dr Dressen said he'd had contact with other participants on the same trial as Maddie.

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Dr Jessica Rose has been crunching numbers as 2 million children are shot, the vaers report percentage is very high. 16 mins in

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Its awful what this child is now going thru, but elephant in the room some don't want to bring up is why the parents signed her up for an experimental trial for a cold that has a 99.8% recovery rate. I understand at this point what's done is done, but still shaking my head at the lack of parental wisdom here.

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Sadly, all these stories have just begun. I was in the biologic end of biotech, every year we had reporting adverse event training. If I was in a casual conversation and it was mentioned that any adverse even occurred, I was legally obligated to pass that information on within 24 hours to my company. I do do not recognize the FDA of today, thankfully conspiracy has no statute of limitations. Crimes never stop until the guilty are punished that is human nature.

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My very good friend developed Guillain Barre Syndrome soon after her first shot. She has a very disabling case, bedridden and she has extreme nerve pain throughout her body, especially affecting her fingers (can not straighten, not usable at all) and her legs. But she could be Maddie’s grandma and had co-morbidities prior. My thought is, wasn’t this ‘vaccine’ supposed to assist people at risk and with co-morbidities? It seems the jab targets and destroys the health of our youth and elderly more than it helps.

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend, that's awful. Do you know if she got Moderna or Pfizer?

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She passed away Thursday, Jan. 27th. Her name was Donnis Kerr of Prescott Valley AZ.

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Wow, that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that and hope you are doing OK. Hope Ms. Kerr is resting in peace as well.

It's criminal that the side effects of these vaccines have been covered up. We should have had full access to all the clinical trial raw data. After all... our taxes paid for these.

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Yes, I believe she’s in a better place. Her suffering is over.

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I don't know if this might help this lady but it won't hurt at all. Tell her to take magnesium citrate pills which will probably lessen the pain in her legs and hopefully everywhere in her body. I was having neuropathy pain in my feet and legs and happened on the mag citrate by sheer luck and for me it's been a cure-all.I take about 3/4,000 mg a day and it also relieves anxiety and helps you to sleep better too. I hope she will give this a try as it is very safe and very good for the heart also.

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She passed in January 😢

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I recently wrote to the NEJM who published the original and 6 month follow up Pfizer clinical trials. There is an error in the number of adverse events and people dropped due to ineligibility. I am still pushing the NEJM to address this. See my SubStack post on this.


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it should not be a mandate. Fauci, Biden, FDA and CDC were invited..no one showed up! This has been a money making machine. Pfizer who makes over 200 million a day from the vaccine, this is 81 billion dollars a year..and ZERO has been put a side to people who have had adverse reactions to their vaccine..because it was approved for emergency use only, and the FDA gave them a hall pass, and they are liable for NOTHING! Nor Maddie can get help from the institutions created to help people who have adverse reactions to vaccines, for the same reason. I have a friend Kyle Warner, 4 times USA champion mountain biker, just 28 years old, got myocarditis, his heart rate goes up to 145 BPM, by just changing his pants..he cannot ride any longer, it has been 9 months of hell, and that is his life, his income. I have posted on tweeter and FB the link to help raise money for Maddie..and it is moving so slow towards her goal to help pay her medical bills..in 1 week from 15% of her goal achieve is now at 21%...so sad. I even put on the comment, if you are glad you go the vaccine, you should donate to Maddie's fund, as thanks to her being part of the trial, you to the vaccine you wanted...these people are not donating. Very sad times we are living in. Here is the link, just in case anyone can donate and pass it on to others: https://www.lifefunder.com/maddie?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=maddie&fbclid=IwAR06PuPtMx431t3i7G4tBHAJ-AnpD8qcMYU4VGs3R6cyjKTOZ2V5lKGbUAk

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Maddie and her mother's appearances at Senator Ron Johnson's hearings can be found here


(at ~31:48) ) (alternative source to the one linked in the article)

and here


(at ~2:29:20) (this is the recent panel from Nov. 1, I believe)

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You call these 'Fact Checkers' "Outlets", I would call them "Scum".

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Her story was retold today, during the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting that considered and EUA for 5-11 year olds.

Of course Committee ignored it.

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There’s definitely more children being harmed with this poison. I worked in the medical field for over 27 years. St. Peter’s Medical Center in New Brunswick, NJ was a site for children “vaccines”. I witnessed 2 kids rushed to the ER after their Covid jabs , thus happened the same day. So, Pfizer & all the Dr are a disgrace for not acknowledging Maddie injuries. How can these people go to bed at night sleeping knowing they are harming people innocent healthy kids? I hope many parents see Maddie story & NEVER, EVER take Pfizer poison or any mRNA experimental jabs.

My heart breaks watching Maddie & her family. Pfizer MUST be brought to Justice & EVERYONE WHO HAVE MISTREAT Maddie & lied to her family . They all should be ashamed. I truly believe if everyone STOP TAKING THESE EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS, Pfizer will go down. We need more protest, peaceful protest! We must NEVER TRUST FDA, CDC & BigPharma. There is a history of lies & corruptions & experiments on children. We MUST NEVER FORGET THE HISTORY OF ALL THE FINES Pfizer have paid for their PREVIOUS POISONS ALL OVER THE WORLD with Bill Gates involvement! 1976 SWINE FLU “vaccine”. Anthrax vaccine used to experimenting on American Soldiers, The Montauk Experiment, The lies about AZT & many other harmful & deadly drugs for Aids

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So sad…

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Do you have a link to the now removed Rumble video?

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I’m afraid I was never able to find it again. The host was an old man, very low budget with some virtual background meant to look like a cable news show.

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Your question is answered: https://phmpt.org/.../11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Here's a nurse's take (please be warned, lots of F-bombs, but I share her pain, similar thoughts in my head for the past year) https://media.gab.com/.../783/original/b9427af96013fda4.mp4

Also from the CDC themselves: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-12-16/05-COVID-Su-508.pdf

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